Tool Repairs – Bart's Taping Tools

Not seeing what you need? Give us a call! (780) 465-4239

Now offering tool repairs - Find out more >

Now Offering Tool Repairs

We are excited to now offer in-house tool repairs

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Our specialists will thoroughly evaluate your tool upon arrival and perform repairs. Our tool repair services are top-rated and have been catering to customers for several years, delivering high-quality services.

  • 1. Fill out Request Form

    Fill out the tool repair request form at the bottom of our page

  • 2. Ship us your Tool

    Send in your tool to our storefront location based in Edmonton AB

  • 3. Wait for Repairs

    Our tool repair experts will begin working on your repairs on arrival

  • 4. We send your tool back to you!

    Get your tool back like brand new!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request a tool repair?

Tool repairs can be requested using the form below. Once you fill out the form you will receive and email with the next steps!

How do I send in a tool for repair?

Upon completion of the form, an email will be sent with further instructions. Your tool must be shipped to our location for repairs, followed by servicing and return shipment. Initial shipping will be customers responsibility, return shipping will be calculated on your final bill.

How long will it take to receive my tool repair?

We estimate up to 2 weeks for tool repairs. Time for repairs may vary based on severity of repairs needed. Please reach out to us if you have any concerns on time frame of your repairs (780) 465-4239

What is the cost for my tool repair?

Pricing is subject to change and may vary based on each unique circumstance.

*This pricing is an estimate and NOT guaranteed as a final total of repairs

Please use this pricing as a guide for what you can expect.

See Estimate Pricing >

What tools can you repair?

We can repair most drywall tools such as Automatic Tapers, Handles, Flat Boxes, Angle Flushers, Mud Pumps & more. For more information please contact us

Submit a Tool Repair Request

Fill out the form below to request a tool repair

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